Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CFI’s Coaching Digest

1. The practice of using 360 Degree feedback in Coaching

CEO Coach Program
Appraisal is one of the most popular tools used to gather data about coaches. It is popular because it is easy to administer, very credible from a data perspective and
most importantly is extremely actionable. While 360 degree feedback is normally done using a tool, behavioral coaching technique coaches make two departures,

*Coaches undertake personal interviews with the respondents nominated by the coachee and also give him/her the flexibility to focus on critical issues that emerge.
*Coaches tend to use the 360 degree for feed forward rather than feedback. In other words, coaches focus a lot more on identifying what the coachee can benefit from doing in the future rather than delving into the past.

Presenting 360 degree data to the Coachee, Life skills coaching
Coaches recognize that their biggest job is to present the data rather than gather it. This is where skilled coaches stand apart. As it the case in any feedback situation, coaches tend to go through the classical stages of S.A.R.A.H. (Shock, Anger, Rejection, Accepted and seeking Help). Coaches use all their skills of empathy and encouragement in helping their coaches come to terms with how the outside world perceives them. Coaches spend quite often two or three sessions to help their coachees grapple with these new insights. With adequate care coaches are able to distil key behaviors and competencies that the coachee should focus on to make a difference to himself/ herself.

Setting Coaching Goals
The coaching relationship starts with a broad coaching agenda like “enhancing leadership effectiveness”. At this stage, the coach may not be very clear about what will help the coachee enhance his/her leadership effectiveness. At the end of the 360 degree process and perhaps after looking at some psychometric tools, the coach and coachee may agree to work on a particular behavior like assertiveness or work to overcome the mistaken belief of having to always receive everyone’s affection and approval.

Once the coaching goals are clearly defined, the coach would have extracted real value from 360 degree feedback and would have already put the coachee on the
path of change.

2. News From CFI

Certified Business Coaching & Executive Coach
CFI’s accreditation programmes have been expanded to accommodate a wider range of participants, as well as to fit them into a level of rigour and proficiency that is
compatible with their work experience and prior exposure to the coaching process.

Corporate Leadership coaching & Training
Our flagship programme, Executive & Business Coach Accreditation Program (EBCAP), has been rechristened CEO Coach Accreditation Program (CEOCAP), a “Fast Track” CEOCAP has been launched, specially targeting candidates who have already been practicing Coaching for considerable periods of time. We also plan to conduct a Leadership Development Coach Accreditation programme (LDCAP), which is shorter duration programme, designed for participants who wish to become more coaching oriented in their managerial style, play the role of internal leadership development coaches within their organizations and progressively extend this role to client organization.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Executive & Business Coaching

Coaching Foundation India Limited (CFI) is India’s first institution dedicated to the cause of Coaching! CFI’s founding purpose is to create Executive and Business Coaching professionals of international standing and offer comprehensive coaching solutions to individuals and organisations.

1. Coaching Service institutions in CFI

CFI offers a range of services to fulfill the needs of its clients and member community

* Coaching Services

Through its accreditation program, CFI constantly adds to its base of accredited coaches with diverse capabilities to meet the unique needs of each client.

* Member Services

CFI offers its accredited coaches and professional members access to appropriate coaching engagement opportunities as well as researched Coaching IP, tools and methodologies.

2. Advisory Services

This division helps its clients to build a culture of coaching and mentoring by designing and implementing bespoke programs and processes and also training managers across levels to imbibe and demonstrate a coaching oriented style of leadership. They provide services for CFI’s accredited coaches and professional members. CFI believes that all its accredited coaches should keep their coaching skills sharp and contemporary on a continuous basis. CEOs of organisations are also constantly looking to work with executive coaches to enhance their individual leadership styles and achieve higher levels of performance. CFI aims to fulfil these needs through a variety of client offerings which include:

* One-on-one coaching engagements for Chief Executives and Members of the senior management of organisations to address their specific individual needs.

* Customised in-house programs for senior managers and middle managers to enable them to become internal coaches and propagate the coaching style of leadership within their respective organisation.

* Customised short duration programs to create an awareness of executive and business coaching in the minds of senior and middle managers and address specific needs of organisations.

3. Coaching Accreditation Program

The Accreditation Division is headed by a member of the Board of Governors for CFI who is assisted by an academic council. Members of this council include Founding Members of CFI, Honorary Fellows of CFI and distinguished thought leaders from academia, commerce and industry with impeccable credentials and impressive track records.

The council continuously monitors the structure and rigour of the various programs to ensure that they are at all times contemporary, client focused and benchmarked to world standards. The council also ensures that these standards are inbuilt into the process followed by the Training Division and the Advisory Services Division in the various facets of their operations.

The Accreditation Division is concerned with assessing,evaluating and certifying that participants have fulfilled the prescribed accreditation requirements that qualify them to become practising coaches at various levels of competence. The primary objective of the accreditation process is to ensure that all CFI coach interns display adequate evidence of their coaching competencies.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Executive coach training

CFI’s Training division conducts programs in the executive and business coaching space to create coaches of international standing with cutting edge skills and adequate practise. CFI offers a range of programs for different levels of participants. CFI also offers special programs to its existing coaches and professionals from outside who practise coaching on an ‘on going’ basis.

The various programs offered by CFI are:

1. CEO Coach Accreditation Program:

This is an advanced program for Directors,Chief Executives and Divisional and SBU Heads of organisations, entrepreneurs, as well as for senior practising trainers and consultants. Participants should have 15 to 20 years experience and been exposed to a minimum of 100 hours of powerful coaching conversations as part of their job profiles. This is a 8 month program with 8 days of class room sessions followed by 6 months of supervised coaching internship. Participants are required to carry out an internship with 2 coachees and submit documents detailing their coaching journey and evidence of having employed their most appropriate techniques and tools to achieve pre-defined objectives. Upon successfully completing a written examination and viva-voce, participant is accredited as CEO Coach and admitted as Member of CFI.

2. Fast-track CEO Coach Accreditation Program:

This program is designed for professionals who have already practised coaching in an informal manner and have fulfilled CFI’s entry criteria which calls for individuals with about 200 hours of prior coaching experience along with documentary evidence in the field of executive and business coaching.

3. Special Programs:

CFI conducts short duration programs, generally lasting one or two days, for its own coaches as well as for participants from outside the CFI system. These programs enable participants to remain contemporary and keep abreast of the latest trends in the field of business and executive coaching. Please visit our website for more details.

Friday, August 20, 2010

CEO Coaching Program

Executive & Business Coaching Foundation India Limited (CFI) is India’s first institution dedicated to the cause of   Coaching, CFI’s founding purpose is to create Executive and Business Coaching professionals, Business coaching   mentoring, Behavioural coaching, CEO Coach Program of international standing and offer comprehensive coaching   solutions to individuals and organisations.

Development Coach Accreditation

The primary objective of the accreditation process is to ensure that all CFI coach interns display adequate evidence of their  coaching competencies. This division helps its clients to build a culture of coaching and mentoring by designing and implementing bespoke programs, Life coach certification, Business coaching mentoring, Coaching and mentoring skills. CFI    offers a range of services to fulfill the needs of its clients and member community.

Improvement Initiatives

CFI’s Training division conducts programs like Behavioural coaching, Leadership coaching, Business coach, Self Improvement, CEO development in the executive and business coaching space to create coaches of international standing with cutting edge skills and adequate practise. CFI offers a range of programs for different levels of participants. CFI also offers special programs to its existing coaches and professionals from outside who practise coaching on an ‘on going’ basis.

HR Initiative

Ceo development coaching have four major types which includes, Life Skills Coaching, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching and Manager as Coach. Business coaching, Executive coaching and the Manager as Coach have relevance to the business environment and therefore form the major focus and primary offering of the CEO Coach Accreditation Program of CFI. Life Skill Coaching, the concept of life skills coaching preceded that of business and executive coaching. Business coaching, Business coaching has emerged as a critical intervention to enhance customer satisfaction, productivity and overall organizational effectiveness. Manager as Coach, while executive coaching is an effective mechanism for individual development, Every manager must be a Coaching Model and learn the skills of coaching to help enhance their leadership style. Executive Coaching is defined as a helping relationship formed between a client who has managerial authority and responsibility in an organization.

Spiritual development coaching

Coaching is multi-disciplinary. The roots of coaching as a profession can be traced back to sports psychology and counseling. While the approach and philosophy is akin to sports psychology, many of the critical coaching techniques have evolved from the field of counseling. Coaches also use some of the teaching and facilitation skills as well as some of the basic consulting processes in their coaching engagements.